Entrepreneurial Mind: 3rd Week of Discussion

In this week of discussion, we were tasked to present our concepts and explain its features and uniqueness. Each of our ideas and patents were evaluated, they questioned its purpose and significance to the society. So what I have learned in this point is that, you need to evaluate and questions your own work to make a progress. Also, you need to be open for criticism and suggestions not only to make progress to your product but also for your growth.

For this week, we haven’t been evaluated yet. But what I have observed during the evaluation is that, proving your idea/ concept is no joke. It needs a wide-range of knowledge and communicative talk. And your idea must be aligned to reality not too much of idealism, it must be attainable.

As for me, I’m more of the idealist person so I’ve been struggling to balance my imagination and the reality around me. But as to what I have contributed to my group, in our product, I think I focused on practicality and innovation as what my group also want.

Albert Einstein said,”Imagination is important than knowledge.” And entrepreneurs have a mindset of “Believe that you can make the world a better place.” I think these two phrases have a common denominator, they’re thinking about the future. They’re looking for a “bigger picture”. So I guess, me as an idealist, always has an overflowing imagination, is not that bad.


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