Entrepreneurial Mind: 4th Week of Discussion

The day was a rainbow but suddenly turned to gray. Maybe the weather empathized with me. I tucked-in my shirt. I straightened my posture. I emptied my mind from negative thoughts. I walked in front of the class with my heart pounding; trying to catch my breath. I was the presenter of this time.
I presented our business proposals
Answered lots of questions
Accepted some suggestions
Embraced criticisms
        Opened-up to new developments

These general details that I’ve presented sounds easier, yes it is. It is easier if it would not be a business proposal if it’s only an idea, just an idea. But it’s not. It needs to be a thorough planning and execution since it is a business proposal to be implemented in the public market. The suggestions are good for improvement, but the alteration in your product− the design, the features, the value, and the cost, requires a lot of work, time, and planning. Although we have these problems on lending our resources to this project, we manage to adapt the improvements what they think the customer need.


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